Often, we meticulously plan what to wear for an interview, head office visit, an office party, a date or even a school reunion with people we never met in the last 10 years and may never meet in the next 5 years!
But when it comes to planning an outfit for hosting a presentation or conducting training, we rarely give much thought.
Do you realize the potential of such opportunities? It can contribute greatly to your success, help create positive opinions or change opinions about you, help others realize your potential, take notice of your skill & presentation or be impacted by your confidence in the room. Yes, during a presentation the attention is on the subject matter being discussed, BUT, YOU TOO ARE BEING OBSERVED.
It is during uncredited activities like a presentation or training that all eyes are on you and all ears are listening without interruption. You are creating an impression on every mind in the room at that moment, even though you may not realize it. Hence, it is imperative that along with your subject matter you give importance to how you present yourself as well.
Here is how…

1) You are your brand ambassador – Ensure you package yourself well to be perceived as competent, capable, and successful. You are your visual resume.

2) You will have people observe you from head to toe - Creased clothes, dusty shoes, and ill-fitting clothes speak much. It is the tiny details that matter the most. Remember of times, you have been the audience and observed your facilitator.

3) Have all attention focused on you with no distractions in your appearance - Training and presentations of length can easily cause the mind to drift (we've all been there!) and your outfit and body language can also be a source of distraction for the audience. Think of it… constant hand movements, dull outfits, eye-catching prints/shoe, interrupts in keeping the audience attention focused

4) Ask yourself how you want to be perceived before the audience - As credible, knowledgeable, authoritative or approachable? Clothes can help you to portray these traits. Use it to your benefit

5) Your visual appearance can lift your confidence -The clothes we wear can have a strong psychological effect on how we feel about ourselves & how others think about us. As quoted by Amit Kalantri “Take care of your costume and your confidence will take care of itself.” Confidence will help you present better and make others more convinced in your matter.
So the next time, you're up for a presentation or training session remember the power of the opportunity offered and give it your best...Remember the best begins with YOU !